Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Portes que J’Adore

Tucked away in a corner of Burgundy is a hilltop village with a single lane road that leads up, up, up the hill to a magnificent church.  As you climb the hill, you pass dozens of doors, each more interesting than the last.  At the bottom of the hill there is a large cluster of these white studded doors~


Little doors, big doors, matching doors, one for the car and one for the people~


The wonderful thing about photography in winter is that one is not distracted by foliage.  This door is surrounded by magnificent lavender bushes and vines or wisteria above; I’ll be back in summer to show you a prettier shot, but here of course the door is mis en valeur~


The colors are all uniform, and I may have to call the mairie to ask if it is regulated.  What is this elusive French blue?  Whatever it is, it works, with the stone and the moss, and it gives a beautiful continuity to the village, even in the dull winter light….

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My favorite door was this one.  See the the detail on the door- arrows, geometry and diamonds, as well as the color….and the little enamel pitcher at right, and the basket vase at left?


If you are like me, after quickly taking in all of that your eye goes to the little chalkboard sign at the corner of the door:  “In case of absence (cell #) Please do not let the cats in at night.”


So casual and pretty…so French.  I’ll be back in the summer to wipe that leaf off the sign and re-photograph, as well as re-shoot the village in the full bloom of summer, which will be magnificent.


This post is another small tease for what is to come Friday….like this? You’ll love what I have to tell you Friday!! 


  1. You ARE a tease Andrea! This a big help to me; keeping my mind off of my surgery on Monday!

    2013 Artists Series

  2. Oh I can't wait!!!
    Love these doors.. The color is perfection!

  3. Love your doors and the French grey does seem to appear everywhere. My feeling is, as paint is not easily available in rural areas, it's the only paint they can get & this colour is long resistant to the sun & in my opinion looks better when it's faded, as in shabby chic.

    1. You are so right, Barbara....I didn't think about the sun's effect on the paint. And yes, it's not easy to find paint in the rural areas. Hard for me to think of where the nearest commercial or DIY store is for this village, but it's far...

  4. Oh I love those doors! Even better...the sign. Dogs by all means...cats NO! :)

  5. A delightful read. You never fail to deliver.

  6. I recently found your blog and am really enjoying it. I'm American and I've been living in France for 24 years. So I totally understand your LOVE for this country! It seems really funny to me that all the doors would be the same color. I'd love to know if it was a regulation from the mairie or not. If you find out, let us know :).

  7. I read somewhere that the blue paint traditionally used on doors and shutters contains a copper salt. Copper keeps insects and other wood-rotting organisms at bay. Not a very romanitc explanation but that might explain why the blue colors are all the same.

    1. Very interesting, Charlotte! I'm going to get to the bottom of the story behind the French blue-grey paint!

  8. I just had to pin those lovely doors and love that blue-grey paint. Di
