Wednesday, April 3, 2013

On The Go

My days are full, and I have so much to show you, but I am also in the middle of a heavy calendar of places to go and people to see.  This morning is Wednesday, and that means it’s the day to go to the market on Avenue President Wilson, which is my favorite in the city.  I used to live in the 16th, so that was my usual Wednesday and Saturday stop.  It’s been so cold here I don’t know how the produce is surviving, probably most of it sous tunnel as the French say, under those hooped-white-plastic covered tents farmers worldwide seem to prefer in cool weather or to generate warmth.   

My breakfast today at the flat is enough to get me started, two espressos and a piece of Poilane bread with a little butter and a slice of salmon.  Too bad I have already eaten it or I’d show you a photo (I did title this post On the Go), but anywhere else we might stop for something more leisurely, like a hot chocolate and a croissant.  If you are lucky, you will get a service de chocolat chaud, which will be presented something like this, with a pot of hot milk, a side of cream, and a very onctueuse sauce of dark chocolate~


Personally, all that cocoa would just hype me up, so I stick with a double espresso with a little sugar~


Oh, and a fresh croissant or pain au chocolat.  Oops, sorry, this one was all eaten before I thought to photograph it!  This was taken at the café at the Flea on Saturday, a perfect way to start our trip and get us going for the day. 


My advice for traveling to France or Europe and avoiding jetlag is to power through the first day with a little café or cocoa, and fill your day with something you really really want to see so you will stay awake.  If you can stay up all day and then get a good night’s sleep the first day or two, then you will be on track. 

Anyway, today I’m off to the marche, then to Trocadero to take photos of the Eiffel Tower from across the Seine, then to the sewer museum and then on to Musee Rodin, one of my absolute favorites.  My travel partners have not been so lucky with the jetlag and so they are still asleep now.  But I’m off and will make short work of this morning’s activities…Clack clack clack…..along the way I’m getting some wonderful shots of Parisians and their dogs and anything else that is of interest along the way, which is plenty.

Have a good day; I’ll find a perfect recipe for the chocolate sauce that is used in the service above and share some hot chocolate ideas with you later, when I have more time.  But for today, hop, I’m on the go~


  1. Pardon me while I lick the screen....:)

  2. Love that coffee cup! Makes me feel as though I am there...
    EnJOY your day!
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  3. I'm thrilled to be on this trip with you via your blog.

  4. Glad you are out and about Andrea despite the cold temps. I was with clients at the flea this weekend - we probably walked right by one another.
    à bientôt,

  5. A lovely post as I love to read about your life and adventures!

    Thank you
    Victoria Silva

  6. Looking forward to seeing all the pictures from this trip. Hope our warmer weather comes up to Paris for you, it was cold this morning but by lunch time it was Spring sunshine. ;-)

  7. Oh Yum! Andrea thank you for the updates; wow you guests are missing out!

  8. I need a cafe stat!
    I could keep up with you, I wouldn't want to miss a second of your adventures!!!!

  9. That coco sounds divine,
    I love tagging along on your trips..
    Hope you had a great Easter. Can you swing over and be my 200th follower.
    Thanks Yvonne
