Some shade azaleas that have been blooming steadily for several months, they are so bright and pretty!
Isn't it just about time for spring? Since it's so gray outside, here are a few shots from last spring to give you some color and cheer in the rain and the snow; it will only be a few more weeks now....I need to get into March, then the new merch will be out on my tables.
These first three shots are from Corona del Mar; as I say, the ladies are usually Chic or Sporty; either way they always manage to look great! This is the Gardenia tote in Large; it really suited her:
Earth Day will also be here soon; everyone found something great at the French Basketeer booth last year at several events, including San Juan Capistrano and Santa Barbara~
I will have parasols at the fairs this spring & summer too; I wholesale them in all colors for $3 if anyone needs some; this beautiful little fairy is from Santa Barbara:

Eventually, believe it or not, summer will be here! I love to use the baskets instead of a vase; that is, just put the glass vase right in a basket; throw a scrap of burlap around the top of the basket to cover the vase. I see a theme here with a lot of my booth photos, which is my signature black & white awning stripe. It was the perfect, logical choice to set off the colors of the baskets. Wonder where I got the idea for that?...
Stay warm and dry everyone, and hold on for just a few more weeks!!
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