I especially like the gold and the green; the trims are a little burnished, so not as bright as in this shot:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Good Little Packages
I especially like the gold and the green; the trims are a little burnished, so not as bright as in this shot:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cote de Texas/Skirted Roundtable
Here is the cart again; the cart belongs to and was arranged by the lovely Jennifer McColm, who is an ardent Green Advocate and runs many Farmers Markets in the LA area; Jennifer invited me to her exclusive Pacific Palisades market to bookend Elle Magazine last spring, along with her own booth; we've been there ever since; here is the link to Jennifer's site:
and here is her cart again:
The roses came from the Palisades market; there is a man in the area with 5 acres of roses, mostly old roses; he sells pre-arranged bunches, and they are all to die for!!!
Many thanks to Joni for hosting the giveaway; I hope we will do it again sometime soon; stay tuned to cotedetexas.blogspot.com!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Farmers' Market Valentine
and of course it's all shown in baskets:
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tweets & Clucks
There are several long rows of every kind of fowl imaginable:
And all was right with the world.....
Monday, February 8, 2010
African Motifs

Now, I personally wouldn't ever have one in my house, but they are fascinating pieces of art! My friend Liza works with Congo; there has been no mail service in years and it is in the top 10 of Least Developed Nations of the U.N.; the per capital income is under $1,000 per year. There have been so many problems: civil wars, economic collapse, hyper-inflation. It's interesting too that French is also an official language.
The Kubas were especially well-known for their textiles woven out of raffia; in many cases they tufted the raffia to add additional texture to the fabric; see two examples here; the raffia for the tufting is cut close but not knotted; the variation in style is prized: Patchwork pieces are still being made in Congo; similar pieces were inspiring to Matisse and the avant-garde movement; the diamond pattern is shown even on the patchwork:
While I find the patchwork interesting, I love the diamond patterns, a motif that is repeated constantly:

When I went to the NY Gift a year ago, I picked up this piece at the flea. I went to ABC Home later that day and saw similar pieces for multiples of the price I paid, though I didn't see any as nice as this one, which is slightly tufted; at some point I'll frame it or use it for a pillow: